Tuesday 7 September 2010


NONA MANIS, a contemporary Indonesia “Kebaya” fashion brand. The final project is to set up an upscale kebaya brand to sell to UK Market, and focusing to sell to Harvey Nichols as the stepping-stone. The brand Name is Nona Manis, in Indonesia Language it means “Beautiful Woman”. We can see from the fundamental concept of its brand identity consists: feminine, ethnic contemporary, luxury, and multipurpose.

Feminime means Nona Manis show their feminime personality, and voluptuous looks for its target market. The kebaya silhouette gives emphasis to a woman figure and that is the beauty of this ethnic clothes. Has the sensuality of the products trough the shape of kebaya.

Multipurpose means Nona Manis itself sells kebaya from various region in Indonesia, from Java, Bali, Sumatra. It will be selling as a piece. In each season, it will create some pieces different style of kebaya, which has the range from casual, semi formal, special occasion. Kebaya are made in small quantities to guarantee exclusivity.

Ethnic contemporary means kebaya will rework as contemporary clothes but still respecting the traditional roots. People who wear Nona Manis have high awareness and curiosity of another culture. According to Kapferer ( 2009, p.83) that culture is the highest description factor in the spending of luxury goods, it increases the perception of exclusivity and rarity.

Luxury means Nona Manis offers a piece that has resulted of hand made embroidery and one kebaya from one tailor and one embroidery maker from start to finish. "Kebaya-making is complicated and need a lot of patience. It starts with the making pattern, then cutting and sewing, the beading and the embroidery.

"Creation of a new, and contemporary legend" (Kapferer, 1990) NonaManis takes inspiration from Indonesia high class woman in the past, which enrich with heritage custom, elegance, and previlege. NonaManis is the character of the brand. If we could describe NonaManis as person, and total look: “ She is dare to be different, open minded, has a high curiosity of another culture. She loves perfectionist“

NonaManis shows a craftsmanship and precision from exclusive and mastery in fabrics, specialized trimming, and unique cuts. Many people love luxury brand due the reason their provide a quality, The highest price for them sometimes does not matter as long as their get the good quality. This is to say that a highly craftsmanship is something that you can denied.

“A place when any women could find luxury contemporary ethnic kebaya, from every occasions that would permit her to choose depending on their needs”.
The customer could be choose depends on what they want and it allows them to choose the way the want to wear with and fashion conscious brand, The pieces of NonaManis sells is able to be worn with a pair of jeans or skirt. That is the nature of modern dressing and serves special tailoring for those who don’t have size for their selves.

Narrowness is the principal of luxury brand, its focuses on a tiny number of products. Luxury should not pander to the customer ‘wishes’. They need a precise role to play and function. For example, NonaManis they doesn’t sell encim kebaya with three different color. Furthermore, each products has it own personality, and mostly each product in luxury has its name.

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